Thursday, June 20, 2013

Packed and Ready to Go

Actually, we not totally packed, but we are ready and that is way more important than the details of packing.  This photo is from last Wednesday.  We packed our 24 bags of supplies early.  As it turned out, there were more supplies that needed to go, so the number of bags is climbing. Furthermore, our technique of weighing bags (placing Bruce on a scale then asking him to drag each bag on the scale with him and to add 50 pounds) may not be up to Delta's standards.  We have a back-up plan if that is the case, so no worries. We will meet at Detroit Metro Airport at 4:00 A.M. on Saturday.

Thank you team members, member families, and Trinity members for your support, your supplies, and your prayers.  We look forward to sharing our Guatemalan adventures and faith walks in the coming days.

From left to right : (back) Andrew, Gordy, Bruce, (middle) Emma, Sally, Rachel, Jeannie, Riley, Kelsey, (front) Emily, Sam, and Katherine. (Michael was not present for the photo.)


  1. Marshall W. Rosquin (Rachel's dad)June 20, 2013 at 1:44 PM

    I'm praying for a safe journey. May each of you serve as a blessing to others and be blessed in the process.

  2. I will be praying that all of you have an amazing experience doing this extremely important work!!! Buenas suerte y vaya con dios!
