Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day 4: Adrenaline is a Good Thing

As we prepare this morning for devotions and our trip to El Rincon, I am reminded that adrenaline is an extremely good thing.  We have a big day ahead of us. Today we will begin teaching our faith lessons, going on more house visits, and desiring to be the best we can be. Adrenaline will be our best friend.  We are tired, but we are not; we are anxious, but we are not; and we are ready, but we are not, but we are... it's just that  everyday here, I guess like most places, you just never know.  We pray that we rock our responsibilities today.

El Rincon is outside the town of Amatitlan about 45-60 minutes outside of Guatemala City. El Rincoln is a place of rural poverty, very different than what we experienced yesterday.  The community runs right up against the base of volcanic mountains and is covered with sugar cane and corn.  Some of its natural  rainforest has been cleared for farming.  The roads are dirt, the river is green, and the people, again, are just like you and me... living lives in a setting very different from ours.  I suppose I am getting ahead of myself.  We are off to roof-top devotions then on to El Rincon. Hasta luego.

El Rincon
Riley and Fredy
As you can see, El Rincon is extraordinarily beautiful.  Water comes out of the ground HOT because El Rincon is surrounded by active and inactive volcanoes. It feels a little surreal to be there but it does not take long to get past the beauty and get to the humanity.  Upon our arrival we divided into four groups and went on home visits.  Riley got to visit Fredy sponsored by the Simmonds for the past two years.  Debbie selected Mirza, Fredy's cousin, to sponsor before we arrived and had an opportunity to meet with her and her family on a home visit.  Sponsorship is $30 a month and sends a Groundwork faith student to school and provides them with tuition, school supplies, and uniforms. 

Debbie and Mirza (in light blue) and family

I am having a technical difficulties so I will quickly add photos of our afternoon and head to bed.  We are up early tomorrow so we can head two hours toward the Pacific Ocean and Buena Vista.

Lauren and one of the children at our faith lessons.

The guard, the cupbearer, Oscar and Pharoah 

Olivia and friend
Rico Suave (Nate) and Kara

Amanda helping with the crafts

Alaina helping with the teen lesson.

Can you tell who all is hovering around me while I am trying to write this blog?  I need to chase some teenagers to bed. (My adrenaline is running low.)

Blessings and good night,
Olivia, Lauren, Amanda, Alaina, Nate, Kara, Riley, and the ones who are not hovering!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in awe of this post! It brought me to tears to know that these people can function with so little and OUR kids and friends want to be part of this. I can't wait to see them and hear how they were moved, inspired and changed because of this trip. Lauren spoke of sponsoring someone. Perhaps we can chat if she calls me. I love to hear her voice! Blessings to you, Sally. You are amazing (with a little bit of crazy). Love to all! xoxo
