Saturday, July 16, 2016

Day One, Part A and B

One of the nice things about layovers, yes, there are some, are those additional minutes to find a Chick Filet, recharge phones for last minute phone calls, and write the blog.  I suspect I will be writing less this year and posting more photos in an attempt to avoid those extra special mosquitos in the evening.  To that end, I am posting two photos from this morning in Detroit during our layover in Atlanta.

Sally, Savannah, Delainie, Emily, Kelsey, Meredith
Kara, Hannah, Olivia, Lauren, Abby, Amanda, Nate,
Jim, Bruce, and Gordy

I wish I had thought to ask this angel's name. She single-handedly checked us in this morning. She was patient,  kind,  and made what could have been a stressful start, powerfully pleasant.

Our bags are at the gate, the kids are out exploring, enjoying their last shot at the food of their dreams (Chick Filet), Meredith is writing a paper, and Bruce is contemplating life completely stretched out on the floor.  I will check in once we get to the mission house in Guatemala City; it will be late.  See you later for Part B.
Blessings and thank you,

Part B
We have safely arrived and getting settled into the mission house.  It gets dark early here and we are ready to crash.  All are grateful for our safe arrival and looking forward to an extraordinary day tomorrow.  Your family members are fine folks.  It will be an extraordinary, faith-filled time together.
Buenas noches, familias y amigos.